Start Strong PA

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About Start Strong PA
Start Strong PA is a statewide advocacy campaign to increase access to affordable, high-quality child care for Pennsylvania's families and their children through policy and investment, starting with infants and toddlers.Sign on with your support at
American Recovery Plan Forums
PACCA and Start Strong PA partner organizations held 12 Provider and Family Field Forums in April and May 2021. The purpose of the events was to hear from child care programs and the families they serve to better inform Start Strong PA campaign’s recommendations to the Wolf Administration for the use of the $1.2 billion in child care American Rescue Plan funds coming to Pennsylvania. Thank you to our panelists and those who participated in the forums.
Please see what providers, community members, and parents had to say about their priorities for using these historic investments!
May 6, 2021 | Capital Area: Cumberland, Dauphin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, And Union Counties
The Start Strong PA campaign hosted 12 provider and family virtual field forums with a focus on building a stronger child care system through the American Rescue Plan. PACCA hosted the Capital Area: Cumberland, Dauphin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry, Snyder, And Union Counties Forum on May 6, 2021. Panelists included the Danville Child Development Center, Cressman Family Child Care, The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Harrisburg Area Community College, and Tender Years, Inc.
Video on Vimeo:
April 30, 2021 | Berks, Lancaster & Lebanon Counties
The Start Strong PA campaign hosted 12 provider and family virtual field forums with a focus on building a stronger child care system through the American Rescue Plan. PACCA hosted the Berks, Lancaster & Lebanon County Forum on April 30, 2021. Panelists included the Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County, Steps to Success, Inc., Learning Ladder Academy, Children’s Journey, The Second Street Learning Center/Opportunity House and Early Childhood Education Department at Millersville University.
Video on Vimeo:
April 29, 2021 | York and Adams Counties
The Start Strong PA campaign hosted 12 provider and family virtual field forums with a focus on building a stronger child care system through the American Rescue Plan. PACCA hosted the York & Adams County Forum on April 29, 2021. Panelists YWCA York, Crispus Attucks, YWCA Gettysburg, St. James Early Learning Center, York County Economic Alliance, and the Community Progress Council.
Video on Vimeo:
Start Strong PA is connected to Early Learning PA
Early Learning PA (ELPA) is a broad-based coalition that advocates access to voluntary, high-quality early learning opportunities for all Pennsylvania children. ELPA’s public policy agenda focuses on four key components of early learning opportunities: pre-kindergarten, child care, home visitation, and early intervention. The ELPA coalition supports targeted campaigns dedicated to advancing its early learning agenda including Pre-K for PA and Childhood Begins at Home.Learn More About the Campaign
Learn more about the campaign at November 1, 2018, Jodi Askins, Executive Director of PennAEYC and Diane Barber, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Child Care Association (PACCA) hosted two, 1-hour introductory webinars on the Start Strong PA.